Blended Intensive Programm Bucharest

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Key dates of the Bucharest Blended Intensive Programme 2023

  • Time frame:
    • digital programme from mid March - June 2023
    • On-site ERASMUS workshop from April 21 - 30, 2023
  • Host: Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE)
  • Key partner: Ateliere Fara Frontiere
  • Focus Challenge: Cultivating solidarity and a clean environment.
  • Community and workshop location: Sector 4 in Bucharest and ASE Bucharest Campus
  • Participants: students and staff members from the ERASMUS partnership, ASE Bucharest staff, Sector 4 stakeholders and citizens

About our key partner

The NGO Ateliere Fără Frontiere (AFF) was established in 2008, for the social, professional and civic insertion of vulnerable, excluded and marginalized people, part of SOS Group - International action, a global network that works to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It is part of the Romanian Network of Social Insertion Enterprises (RISE). AFF created four social insertion enterprises through economic activity - educlick, remesh, logietic and bio&co farm, in which they offer personalized social support services, counseling for insertion, psychotherapy and pedagogical support for the training of skills for people who accumulate multiple difficulties in employment (long-term unemployment, addictions, disabilities, school dropout, domestic violence, human trafficking, probation, custodial sentences, lack of housing, etc.).

Bucharest Challenges

  • Fight against discrimination and social exclusion of vulnerable people, such as the disabled and the illiterate.
  • increasing cooperation between social partners for the training and integration of vulnerable people.
  • Increase awareness on adopting a sustainable lifestyle (reduce, reuse, recycle) for the general public and the preference for organic produce
  • Offering services in waste management and ethical products to business clients and end customers (i.e. WEEE management, upcycled products and organic produce)

At the community level, there is a need for an increase in the level of awareness of the importance of combating discrimination and social exclusion through the development of activities specific to the circular economy.

The model bio&co is an example for combating social exclusion by integrating vulnerable people in sustainable agriculture. The participants are called to identify means to increase the number of consumers ‘actors at the bio&co basket. The increase in demand for such products will lead to an increase in the degree of employment for people at risk of exclusion.

The Remesh activity of the AFF transforms tons of advertising waste into thousands of promotional products every year – satchels and bags, handbags and backpacks, storage and organization solutions for home and office, bicycle accessories and many other durable and colorful itmes. Participants are called to identify solutions for increasing and securing demand for this type of recycled products.

Logistic is a new activity launched by AFF. It carries out activities in logistics, packaging, labeling sustainable products. Participants are called to propose business models for this type of activity.

The development of productive activities circumscribed to the circular economy and the increase in demand for environmentally friendly products increase the degree of employment of vulnerable people and the social cohesion.