Intensive Study Programme Estonia 2018

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Social Entrepreneurship for Local Change

Participants of the 2018 SELC workshop in Estonia

{{#evu: |alignment=right |dimensions=600 |description= Watch a short video from our Social Entrepreneurship Intensive Study Programme in Lahemaa, EE, held in May 2018. Author: Felix Toepler }}

Social Innovation for the Lahemaa National Park

The third and last Intensive Study Programme of the Social Entrepreneurship for Local Change ERASMUS project took place from May 9 – 19, 2018, hosted by the Estonian University of Life Sciences in Tartu (EMU) and the Estonian Social Enterprise Network (SEV) in close cooperation with the Kolgaküla Village Association. The workshop was attended by 30 students from the five partner universities and supported by 20 staff members, NGO partners and local experts. Focus area was the Lahemaa National Park, more precisely the Lahemaa pensinsula, situated at the northern Baltic Sea in Estonia in about one hour driving distance east of Tallinn. Workshop venues were on site in the national park and at EMU in Tartu. Previous ISPs have been held in Bucharest, RO (2016) and Arnhem, NL (2017)

Lahemaa Challenges and Focus Areas

Download >>>Documentation Lahema Challenges and Focus Areas

Workshop Process

Similar to previous SELC workshops the process started with excursions into the territory. Participants could get first-hand impressions of the focus areas and also meet various local stakeholders. An additional stakeholder exchange session was organized by the Kolgaküla Village Association in their Community House. The field trip was followed by a two-days design thinking workshop which led to the prototyping of first business ideas. Further field trips were then arranged in order to gather additional knowledge for the business plan development. This first phase was organized in the Lahemaa National Park. The Viinistu Art Hotel served as a great location for hosting the participants, providing an inspiring working environment during this first phase.

The group then moved to Tartu and continued their business plan development process at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. This was accompanied by additional lectures on financing and marketing the social enterprise. The business ideas were presented to the local community on Friday, May 18, during an interactive session, again at the Kolgaküla Community House. Many groups used role plays and other creative techniques for pitching their ideas to the audience. The presentations were followed by a lively and interactive poster session during which the local community showed great interest for the ideas generated by the students.

Ideas Generated

The concepts worked a lot with enhancing the potentials of the sites that had been explored at the beginning of the workshop. For example, the Merekalda Bed & Breakfast suggests reusing a former military building situated directly at the seashore. Lahemaa Elixir stands for a new event management initiative that organises unique activities in the built heritage which is currently largely abandoned. The Kolga Estate Enterprise goes into a similar direction with a focus on the manor house. Lahemaa Seiklus is an initiative that would organize more integrated nature tourism experiences and thus enhance and diversify tourism in the region. Hara Mission developed a new concept for the former submarine base, mixing adventure tourism and skills development in an innovative way. Smart Lahemaa followed the idea of creating a digital local community platform for better connecting people and resources. The Loksa Enterprise Development Centre tries to combat outmigration and unemployment by fostering entrepreneurship and local development. This idea was highly valued by the local community and awarded with an audience prize.

For further details please have a look at the poster gallery below.

Posters of the Business Ideas


more impressions >>>Photo album shared by Daan van der Linde

Focus Areas of the Intensive Study Programme

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Funding Programme ERASMUS+

The strategic partnership ' Social entrepreneurship for local change' has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no.2015-1-DE01-KA203-002161. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.