Assignment 3 2017 – Design your business

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Time frame

  • Group work: 13.04. – 23.05.2017, 9 am
  • Presentation: 02.05.2017 during plenary session

--> students participating in the intensive programme in Arnhem are doing this assignment as part of the workshop

Task description

  • What if your team became a company? You have now a common understanding of the challenge; you know about various social business cases, you are aware of business models: Now you can design your own business!
  • In your team you are going to think yourself through all the relevant steps required for starting a business such as: a business plan, a financing concept, a marketing scheme.
  • But most importantly: share and communicate a vision of how things can be changed and why!
  • Your findings will be presented to the plenary on 02.05.2017
  • Your report will be submitted on Tuesday, 23.05.2017 at 9 am

Submission format and presentation

* Part One - Group work(Pass/Fail):

  1. Executive summary
  2. Social enterprise mission and goal
  3. Target market
  4. Products and services, key activities (value propositions)
  5. Channels
  6. Management team and other key resource requirements
  7. Financial summary

* Part Two – Individual work (Graded)

  1. Operational and management plan (compulsory)
  2. Partner and stakeholder network (compulsory)
  3. Marketing plan (optional, for “very good+” up to “excellent”)
  4. Financial plan (compulsory)
  5. Social/ environmental impact (compulsory)

Masters students only:

  1. Social enterprise: social and ethical values
  2. Risk management

Templates and formats

  • The report should be developed based on our business plan template
  • The final presentation will be done with a PPT presentation. The presentation needs to be submitted before 02.05.2017 and presented on the following day.
  • Prepare your presentation for 2nd of May with this PPT template
  • There will be an invidiual upload area for submitting the reports, you will not be asked to put this material on the wiki
  • Report submission deadline is Tuesday, 23rd of of May 2017, 9 am

Evaluation criteria

  • Timely submission of deliverables
  • Creativity and innovation of business model and change theory
  • Extend to which the proposal meets the criteria of a social business (i.e. explicit social and/or environmental aims in combination with commercial, revenue-generating activities)
  • Completeness, depth and formal correctness of required elements
  • Visible synergy of project team
  • Quality of documentation
  • Quality of oral presentation (i.e. keeping time limits, clarity, expression, quality of presentation slides)