Assignment 4: Business Model Canvas (2022)
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Key dates
- assigned: 19.04.2022
- group presentation: 14.06.2022, 16 30 pm CET, during plenary session
- submission: 14.06.2022, at 23:55 CET in the submission area (login required)
- graded, 40% of course grade
Assignment Template
- Please develop your Business Model Canvas Report based on this template.
- We explain the assignment also in this video tutorial
Elements of the Business Model Canvas
The business model canvas is a great development tool that helps you specify the core elements of a business and operation model. You can also use it for specifying a new organisational model.
These elements typically include:
- Key partners
- Key activities
- Key resources
- Value proposition(s)
- Customer relationships
- Beneficiaries and customers
- Channels
- Cost structure
- Revenue streams
In our context of social innovation, the business model canvas should further include information on: 'Your vision and mission with regard to social innovation (and/or wider sustainable development goals)
- Social and/or environmental impact goals
- Scalability
During the online course we will introduce you step by step to the business model canvas and you will have some opportunities for practicing during the tutored session.
A complete, detailed and elaborated Business Model Canvas is the main outcome of your group work in the local or in the international community labs, on in the virtual teams.