Seminar Minutes and References Session 6, 3rd of April 2016

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Session topic

Phase B: Designing Ideas

B.2 Developing the Social Entreprise Business Model - Part 2

Session date: Tuesday, 3rd of May 2016, 16 00 - 17 30 pm CET


  • Thematic input: Developing the Social Entreprise Business Model - Part 3, Carmen Paunescu, ASE Bucharest, Romania
  • Seminar sequence and assignments

Session slides and recordings

  • you can access the slides and recordings on ILIAS (open access)

Next steps for active participants

Assignment 2 - Field Research

  • Read the detailed description of this assignment
  • Read the Guideline for Field Research and the accompanying materials
  • You should have identified your SE now, please add the name of your enterprise to this list
  • within the coming days you need to meet in your working group to discuss cross-cutting/comparative aspects of your cases. A set of example questions has been provided in the field research guide. Please select one of those questions or define a new one.
  • Summarize the findings of the interview in the case study template and at this to the wiki

Presentation format and submission

  • Please use this template for preparing your presentation
  • Send your groups' presentation to your tutor before until Monday, 9th of May

Presentation logistics

  • 16 groups will present in five moderated breakout rooms (3 groups per room)
  • Your presentations will be ready in the rooms
  • Each group has 15-20 minutes to present + 10 minutes discussion
  • It is recommended to do a soundcheck, this will be possible from 13 30 – 16 pm, please sign up here
  • You need to attend with a headset, webcam optional
  • Please avoid built-in microphones (acoustic feedback!)
  • Everyone should say something – please plan this in advance and test the timing of your presentation
  • Moderators will cut the time after 20 minutes (for training purposes)

Assignment 3 - Design your business

Overview of the workflow for assignment 3
  • Read the detailed description of this assignment
  • Write a short outline of your own idea on the wiki until 12th of May.
  • At the end of the seminar you will further elaborate on this idea based on the outcomes of the group work. You will then reflect on what would be specific in your local context.

Further references

Participant map

Please add your location to our interactive map, if you have not done so yet:

Our seminar on Facebook

Next Session: Group presentations - Your local challenges

Session date: Tuesday, 10th of May 2016, 16 00 - 17 30 pm CEST

B.3 Group presentations: Social Entrepreneurship Field Research