Social Entrepreneurship for Local Change Collaboration Chart

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Get to know each other

  • Invest some time in getting to know each other with all the beautiful media we have these days (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.)
  • Suggestion 1: send each other a photo-collage of your daily life.
  • Consider “Saying Hello! by telephone or Skype

Set up your communication channel(s)

  • Facebook group (document exchange is limited)
  • E-mail: always working but less personal
  • Skype: nice but mostly two-by-two. Explore the possibilities!
  • Slack: team-tool with exchange of documents possible
  • WhatsApp: if you have a mobile phone number and no document exchange
  • Doodle: tool to make appointments
  • Google Docs for simultaneous work on group documents
  • and use of course this wiki for bringing all information together

Support each other’s learning paths

  • Exchange each other’s Learning Goals
  • Organize the group according to what people want to learn
  • Set up a simple Task Division (revolving chairperson task, etc.)

Be aware of your diversity

  • We are from 100 locations in the World!
  • That is a huge challenge and a huge learning point (Remember: That is why we do these things in the first place!)
  • To break the ice: send each other the worst stereotypes you can think of your country and mark yourself according to this list.
  • Be open on things you don’t understand from each other. And do not be shy to ask why?

Design your own Group Rules

  • What is not done: no contact, no comments, destructive comments, etc
  • What is welcome: quick response, serious responses, criticism in a positive way, etc.
  • Etc. - but not more than six rules.

Enjoy being in an international team

  • Celebrate the nice results or funny moments!

Design Thinking Tools