Seminar Minutes and References Session 1, 29th of March 2016

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Session topic

Phase A: Identifying Challenges and Setting Goals A.1 Landscape as the Arena of Challenges

Session date: Tuesday, 29th of March 2016, 16 00 - 17 30 pm CET


  • Introduction to the project and the seminar by Dr. Ellen Fetzer, HfWU, Germany
  • Thematic input: Landscape as the arena of challenges by Jeroen de Vries, VHL, Netherlands
  • Moderated discussion: What motivates social entrepreneurs? with Jeanne Enders, Portland State University, Gus Hagelberg, Reutlingen University, Germany and Jeroen de Vries
  • Seminar sequence and assignments

Session slides and recordings

  • you can access the slides and recordings on ILIAS (open access)

Next steps for active participants

Assignment 1 - Your local challenge

  • Read the detailed description of this assignment
  • Upload of your local challenge visual until Monday, 4th of April
  • Login details for the wiki have been sent out by e-mail

What is a local challenge?

  • Any local problem or risk that affects your society and/or your environment.
  • The problem affects specific societal groups or society as a whole, or both.
  • The problem is not sufficiently addressed neither by the government nor by ‚traditional‘ businesses.
  • You may take the lecture from Jeroen de Vries as an inspiration for the scope of possible challenges. However, your challenge does not have to be landscape-related in the first place.

Further references

Participant map

Please add your location to our interactive map, if you have not done so yet:

Our seminar on Facebook

Next Session

A.2 Defining Social Entrepreneurship

Session date: Tuesday, 5th of April 2016, 16 00 - 17 30 pm CET