Seminar Minutes and References Session 4, 19th of April 2016

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Session topic

Phase A: Identifying Challenges and Setting Goals

A.4 Working groups present their local challenges

Session date: Tuesday, 12th of April 2016, 16 00 - 18 00 pm CET


  • All 16 working groups presented their analysis and discussion results in four parallel breakout rooms

Session slides and recordings

Next steps for active participants

Assignment 1 - Your local challenge

  • Finalise the assignment documentation on the group wiki page asap and no later than Sunday, 24th of April
  • Please check this tutorial on how to add images to a wiki page

Assignment 2 - Field Research

Assignment 3 - Design your business

  • Read the detailed description of this assignment
  • Write a short outline of your own idea on the wiki until 12th of May.
  • At the end of the seminar you will further elaborate on this idea based on the outcomes of the group work. You will then reflect on what would be specific in your local context.

Further references

Participant map

Please add your location to our interactive map, if you have not done so yet:

Our seminar on Facebook

Next Session: Phase B - Designing Ideas

Session date: Tuesday, 26th of April 2016, 16 00 - 17 30 pm CEST

B.1 Social Entrepreneurship Business Models (1)

  • Thematic input: Social entrepreneurship business models (1) with Carmen Păunescu, ASE Bucharest
  • Social Entrepreneurs report: case study from Estonia
  • Interactive discussion
  • Seminar sequence and assignments, questions and answers