Social Entrepreneurship for Local Change Online Seminar 2016 - Working Group D

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--> Back to working group overview

  • Dear working group members. This is your group page and you will be completing the template gradually as we move through the seminar. Good luck and enjoy your collaboration! You can delete this text later on
  • How to start successful collaboration in an international team? Please have a look at our collaboration chart.

Assignment 1 - Your Local Challenge

  • You can read more details about this assignment here
  • There is an own page for your challenges reflection and analysis, please click on the link to find further details
  • go to --> Local Challenge Reflection Group D

Assignment 2 - Social Entrepreneurship Field Research

Links to your case study templates

Assignment 3 - Design your Business

  • You can read more details about this assignment here

Business Ideas

Your working group's first idea(s)

  • As a group, please write 2-3 sentences about your common idea

Susanne - Own (local) idea

Selling all common daily products without packaging and with high quality.

Georgiana - Own (local) idea

  • A social enterprise that connects people (children to adults) with their food. A fun place in the city where people can learn, enjoy, receive, offer and relate to both people and food.

Yasmine - Own (local) idea

  • A social entreprise which aims at reducing waste (food and other materials) by offering services that are designed to provide the local community with unique experiences and educate them on various levels.

Member 4 - Own (local) idea

  • Please writen 1-2 sentences about an idea you have for your own context. You will elaborate on this a bit further at the end of the seminar (1 page reflection)

Member 5 - Own (local) idea

  • Please writen 1-2 sentences about an idea you have for your own context. You will elaborate on this a bit further at the end of the seminar (1 page reflection)
  • We will add further specifications later on. Not all of this assignment will be published on the wiki as there will also be confidential contents