Social Entrepreneurship for Local Change Online Seminar 2016 - Working Group C

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  • Dear working group members. This is your group page and you will be completing the template gradually as we move through the seminar. Good luck and enjoy your collaboration! You can delete this text later on
  • How to start successful collaboration in an international team? Please have a look at our collaboration chart.

Assignment 1 - Your Local Challenge

  • You can read more details about this assignment here
  • There is an own page for your challenges reflection and analysis, please click on the link to find further details
  • go to --> Local Challenge Reflection Group C

Assignment 2 - Social Entrepreneurship Field Research

Links to your case study templates

Assignment 3 - Design your Business

  • You can read more details about this assignment here

Business Ideas

Bike-sharing Extension

Our idea is based on the bike-sharing system, that is already existing in several cities across the globe. We want to further extend the system by much more than just the means of travel, including a nice secondary effect - the of reducing air pollution.

Antje - Own (local) idea

Bike-sharing is a sustainable answer to the social challenge of air pollution due to too much traffic in today's urban areas. I believe this concept can be extended and has a great potential for the future.

Member 2 - Own (local) idea

  • Please writen 1-2 sentences about an idea you have for your own context. You will elaborate on this a bit further at the end of the seminar (1 page reflection)

In the very beginning my local challenge was the reduction of waste, especially plastic. I could imagine that finding a reusable and degradable substitute for all plastic bags (e.g. cotton bag) can be a solution if the idea is further developed and thought through.

Member 3 - Own (local) idea

My local challenge was since the beginning the Air pollution in Stuttgart. I think to force people use less their cars won't work at all. One has to think about make trains more attractive so people will volunteerely let their car at home. Like decreasing the prices of train usage or even building up groups when to use a car.

Member 4 - Own (local) idea

I think that the local challenge regarding air pollution can be reduced by encouraging more the usage of bikes or the public transport instead of using daily our own cars. Also some additional help consisting in big discounts on the acquisition of bikes and also some investments in the bike roads can be a solution(solutions provided by the government maybe).

Member 5 - Own (local) idea

  • Please writen 1-2 sentences about an idea you have for your own context. You will elaborate on this a bit further at the end of the seminar (1 page reflection)
  • We will add further specifications later on. Not all of this assignment will be published on the wiki as there will also be confidential contents